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Salem al fakir keep on walking

I have a long road ahead of me
It’s cloudy and dark ahead of me
Will I ever get through to the end?
Been down this sling so many times before
And I told myself I would do it no more
Now I’m back on the same road again
I was aiming for the sky,
ended up flat on the ground
But once again the sun is rising,
I better keep on walking
Keep on walking
I was aiming for the sky,
ended up flat on the ground
But once again the sun is rising,
I better keep on walking
Keep on walking
There’s some twists and turns I’ve gotta clear
But when I’m done the end will soon appear
I can leave my troubles behind
I was aiming for the sky,
ended up flat on the ground
But once again the sun is rising,
I better keep on walking
Keep on walking
I was aiming for the sky,
ended up flat on the ground
But once again the sun is rising,
I better keep on walking
Keep on walking
I never stopped believing
I know what I should do,
just let the light guide me through
I was aiming for the sky,
ended up flat on the ground
But once again the sun is rising,
I better keep on walking
Keep on walking
I was aiming for the sky,
ended up flat on the ground
But once again the sun is rising,
I better keep on walking
Keep on walking
I was aiming for the sky,
ended up flat on the ground
But once again the sun is rising,
I better keep on walking
Keep on walking
I was aiming for the sky,
ended up flat on the ground
But once again the sun is rising,
I better keep on walking
Keep on walking
Sorry för noobig översättning men jag översatte vi google

Postat av: Sonia

sämst översättning XD

2010-03-10 @ 20:08:13
URL: http://nextshitnow.blogg.se/

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